Search by author: Tracy Niven

Tracy Niven

The heart of L’Arche

Preacher: Revd Fiona Smith, L’Arche Readings:  Psalm 139: 1-14;  Luke 14: 12b-14 Let us pray May the words that I speak and the meditations of all our hearts be pleasing and acceptable to you Lord, our saviour and our…

Asking the right question?

Preacher: Revd Matthew Rushton, Canon Precentor, Rochester Cathedral Readings: Isaiah 45:1-7; Matthew 22:15-22 In these uncertain and confusing times, those in authority are under particular scrutiny, as they make…


Preacher: Revd Donald MacEwan, University Chaplain Readings: Exodus 20:1-20; Matthew 21:33-46 You’re on mute, Donald! How often have I heard that in Teams meetings over the past six months.  I still make that rookie…

Witness Protection

Preacher: Revd Dr Donald MacEwan Readings: Daniel 7:9-14; Ephesians 1:15-23; Luke 24:44-53 It’s been a strange ending to the Candlemas Semester.  No chugga-chugga of luggage heading to the bus station.  Only a few…

Compline 10 April

Good Friday Service with Sung Passion Preacher: Revd Dr Donald MacEwan Reading: John 18.1–19.42 Five Senses: Faith Comes by Hearing There are so many voices in the pandemic.  Newsreaders, governments, experts.  Nurses,…

Grace in the Wilderness

Preacher: Revd Dr Donald MacEwan Readings: Jeremiah 31:1-6; Acts 10:36-43; John 20:1-18 About an hour from St Andrews is Glamis Castle, where the late Queen Mother grew up.  It has a complicated royal pedigree:…

Not separated

Preacher: Revd Dr Donald MacEwan Readings: Ezekiel 37:1-14; John 11:1-45 Sometimes, when a preacher turns up the readings in the lectionary for a particular Sunday, it is with a slight sense of trepidation.  That was…

Compline 9 April

Preacher: Rev Professor Ian Bradley Address on touch for Maundy Thursday Christ’s is the world in which we move; Christ’s are the folk we’re summoned to love; Christ’s is the voice which calls us to care, and Christ is…

Compline 8 April 2020

Preacher: Fiona Barnard, Honorary International Chaplain Topic: TASTE After saying this Jesus was troubled in spirit, and declared, “Very truly, I tell you, one of you will betray me.”   The disciples looked at one…

Candlemas 2018-19

27 January Revd Dr Donald MacEwan University of Chaplain 3 February Revd Neil Gardner Canongate Kirk, Edinburgh 10 February Revd Alison Cozens Priest in Charge of St George’s Church Newtown and St Paul and St Silas…