Candlemas 2024-25

Sunday Worship services take place weekly during term time, as detailed below, at 11am in St Salvator’s Chapel.   Services are available to watch online for those unable to attend in person – see ‘Livestream’ section on the Worship webpage.

26 January 2025Revd Bethan Rodden
Assistant Curate, St Mark’s, Newnham and St Andrews and St Mary’s Grantchester
Sermon: How we Worship
2 February
Revd Giles Dove
Assistant Chaplain
Sermon: The Supernatural Agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible
9 February
Professor William Tooman
Professor of Hebrew Bible and Ancient Judaism
Sermon: The Fullness of the Earth is His Glory
16 FebruaryRevd Ruth Kennedy
Digital Ministries Advisor for the Church of Scotland
Sermon: #unfiltered #Jesusfilter
23 February
Founders & Benefactors
Rt Rev Dr Shaw James Paterson
Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland
Sermon: Send me, send you, send us
2 MarchBishop John Sherrington
Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster
Sermon:  Changed from Glory into Glory
9 MarchSpring Vacation – No service
16 March
Second Sunday in Lent
Revd Dr Donald MacEwan
University Chaplain
23 March
Third Sunday in Lent
Clare Stewart
founder, Apollo 5
30 March
Mothering Sunday
Bishop Paul Rochester
General Secretary of the Free Churches Group
6 April
Firth Sunday in Lent (ILW)
Revd Samantha Ferguson
Assistant Chaplain
13 April
Palm Sunday
Revd Giles Dove
Assistant Chaplain
20 April
Easter Day
Revd Dr Donald MacEwan
University Chaplain
27 April
Low Sunday
Revd Dr Isabelle Hamley
Principal, Ridley Hall, Cambridge
4 MayRevd Dr Lance Stone
retired Church of Scotland and United Reformed Church Minister
Sermon: Love from the depths
11 MayRevd Martine Oborne
Vicar, St Michael’s Elmwood Road, Chiswick    
18 MayRevd Dr Conor Fegan
Minister, Edinburgh New Town Church of Scotland
25 MayRevd Dr Donald MacEwan
University Chaplain