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In the highways and the hedges

Preacher: Revd Dr Donald MacEwan, University Chaplain Readings: Romans 8:12-17; Luke 14:12-24 Today is all about family.  Outside the chapel and throughout St Andrews, academic families are celebrating their bonds. …

The Promised Hand

Preacher: Revd Dr Donald MacEwan, University Chaplain Readings: Joshua 1:1-9; Matthew 14:22-33 We’re on the cusp of a new year.  Summer is, technically, over, though I’m fairly sure St Andrews broke a few temperature…

Holy Ground

Preacher: Revd Dr Donald MacEwan, University Chaplain Readings: Exodus 3:1-15; Romans 12:9-18 Before he was a leader, Moses was a shepherd.  One day he took his flock a long way from their usual pastures, beyond the…

God’s Bad Vineyard

Preacher: Dr Joanna Leidenhag, Lecturer in Theology and Liberal Arts, Leeds University Readings: Isaiah 5:1-7; Matthew 21:33-46 Lord, let the words of my mouth, and the meditations of all our hearts, be acceptable in…

What’s the story?

Preacher: Fiona Barnard, Honorary Global Chaplain Readings: John 1:1-18; Matthew 13:44-46 Donald’s invitation came with this challenge: What has been significant in your faith, your ministry and your experience over…

Through fire and water

Preacher: Revd Dr Donald MacEwan, University Chaplain Readings: Daniel 3:1-28; Psalm 66:7-18; 1 Peter 3:13-22 In every chapel service, the choir sings a psalm.  It’s not chosen at random, but to illuminate the other…

All life begins in darkness: pray for the light

Preacher: Rev’d Dr Ivan P Khovacs, Canterbury Christ Church University Readings: Acts 7:55-60; John 14:1-14 My wife and I live next to Buckingham palace, at the vicarage above the church of St Peter’s Eaton Square,…